Friday, October 19, 2018

Week of 10/22/18 - 10/26/18

October is flying by and before you know it, Halloween will be here!  Parents
who’ve signed up (at Open House) have been notified about the upcoming party
on the 31st.  I’m confident the preparations are going well. Please make sure
your child brings his/her costume to school in a bag on Halloween.  No weapons
please! Costumes should be easy to get on and off. Students will be changing
in the classroom (we separate the boys and the girls.) If you have any questions,
send me an email.

Conferences for home room students’ parents will be held this coming Monday -
Wednesday.  I look forward to sitting down with all of you and having a great
conversation about your awesome children!

Our Downers Grove field trip will take place on Thursday. We will visit the
historical museum and then take a bus tour which includes the historical sites.
Lunch will be at Giordano’s pizza downtown and there will be time for a visit
to McCollum Park as well.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather!!  We will be outdoors a good
amount of the time.

Coming Up Next Week:

Spelling:  New words will be coming home on Monday along with a
homework menu.  The due date will be November 2.

Reading & Language Arts:  We’ll continue writing our persuasive writing

pieces “Buy My Haunted House!” Students need to use lots of adjectives
in this descriptive piece.

Please make sure your child is reading! October logs are due on or before
November 1.

Social Science: We are continuing our Downers Grove unit and learned all about
Israel Blodgett and his family. We also learned about the Underground Railroad
and how Downers Grove played a part.  Ask your child about it! Our field trip
will be on Thursday, October 25.
Mrs. Klacza's Math Class: We’ll only have 3 days of math next week due
to Friday’s day off and two classes going on a field trip on Thursday.  We’ll
continue with subtraction strategies and using expanded form. A short
checkpoint quiz will occur on Tuesday, 10/23. It will cover 3-digit addition
and subtraction.

Important Dates:  
10/22 - Conference Week
10/25 - Downers Grove Field Trip
10/26 - Day off (Conferences)
10/29 - Day off (Teachers’ Institute)
10/31 - Halloween Parade & Party

Have a terrific weekend!

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