Friday, February 8, 2008

Week of February 11, 2008

We did not have a typical week since we had a Teachers' Institute and an early dismissal, but we were very busy and accomplished many important things. I want to remind all of you that this coming week the students will be taking the Iowa tests. We will spread them out over four days. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a good breakfast each morning. Furthermore, if any parents would like to send in a healthy snack early in the week for the students to enjoy before or after a particular test, that would be most appreciated. There are 23 students, one grateful teacher, and one super aide!!

Also, remind your child to buy or make valentines! The big day is Thursday and we'll be trading valentines and having a party at the end of the school day. I will be sending home a list of names on Monday.

Coming up next week:

Spelling: Lesson 17 (Review lesson) – Test Friday

Reading: We will be working on a St. Valentine reading assignment to get us ready for the 14th! The rest of the week will include activities that will prepare us for ISAT tests.

Language Arts: There will be more writing practice this week. Ask your child about the “hamburger” for extended responses. We may have some time to revisit the world of idioms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, and synonyms.

Social Studies: We will continue reading, discussing, and taking notes on Chapter 9, “Winning the Revolution.” Due to the snow day and making up our TGFD lessons, I have extended the due date on our Loyalist/Patriot books. They will be due on Monday.

Science: We will continue our study of the muscles and complete a fun activity on reaction time.

TGFD: We are past the half-way point of our Too Good For Drugs program. Please remind your student that I am taking points on the homework and it counts as a science grade.

Math: (Mrs. Klacza's math students, only) We will continue the study of measurement with Chapter 11. Since we are taking math Iowa's this week, there will be a couple days without a math class. I will miss them!!

Important Notes:
* Friday's spirit day will be “wear Red for Valentine's Day”
* Week of 2/11 – Iowa tests given (healthy breakfasts/good sleep!)
* 2/14 Valentine's Day parties in classroom
* 2/18 Presidents' Day holiday
* 2/22 Six Flags Reading Program sheets due
* 3/3 no school
* A reminder from the office regarding notes:
Please label items coming to office with:
1. Student's name
2. Teacher's name
3. Item inside

Have a great week! Mrs. Klacza

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