Friday, November 30, 2007

Week of December 3, 2007

It was a pleasure meeting with each and every one of you this week. I hope I answered all your questions. Please feel free to email me or call me if you have any concerns or further questions. Can you believe we are now in December? Just a reminder, our Service Project gifts are only trickling in; please remember our family this weekend if you happen to be shopping! Here's what's happening the first week of December:
Spelling: Lesson 12 -- Test on Friday.
Reading: The Polar Express chugs on! We will be discussing the book, particularly main characters, setting, problem, and solution.
Language Arts: We continue Chapter 3 on Verbs, focusing this week on verb tense.
Social Studies: Chapter 7, Lessons 2 and 3, particularly the French and Indian War.
Science: We will start studying the living systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.
Math: Division continues; Checkpoint Quiz on Tuesday!

Other Important Notes:
*We will no longer be using the "How to Study" sheets. The students are well aware of how to study now, so we've achieved our goal!
*Last day for Service Project gifts: December 5 (Wednesday)
*We will be starting Too Good For Drugs on Friday, 12/7
*Reading party during lunch on Tuesday, 12/4
*Nutcracker on 12/13
*Polar Express on 12/21
Have a great week! Mrs. Klacza

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